Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Birthday Wish


So, I have been here for more than a month now.  I am living in a pretty sweet apartment just down the street from my office with Church World Service.  I have gone on my first trip to the field to document the powerful work that CWS manages in East Africa.  And, I have started making friendships here that will last a life time.  Who do I have to thank for all of this?
  • Every person who told me I could do this in the first place.  
  • Every person who didn't say anything when they thought this was a bad idea.  
  • Every friend, relative, aquaintence, and secret supporter who donated to my volunteer fund this year. 
  • Every one of you who has asked me how I am doing and told me about your life.
It's you I have to thank!  So thank you!

So, now I have come here and seen what possibities there are for positive sustainable change in the lives of millions of Africans.  My job is to bring awareness to current and future donors of Church World Service.  Awareness of what actually happens with the money that is donated.  Awareness of how each and every penny is documented and argued about to get the best possible future for the most number of marginalized communities.  I hope you are able to learn something from what I share about my experiences.  I am learning something new every day.

For my birthday, I wanted to do something special for the people that are teaching me so much this year.  I am trying to raise $1000 for Church World Service through Facebook Causes.  Check out my progress here, and don't forget to make a contribution yourself!  It is your birthday present to me.  Unless you are planning to come to Nairobi to give me a hug for my birthday, this donation is the best bet.

Thanks again!

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